Stuff’d Did The Impossible: Make Plant-Based Meat Affordable

Here’s why you should give plant-based meat a taste

Guo Zhenhao
4 min readNov 16, 2021
Got a free recyclable bag for purchasing two Impossible burritos in one receipt! Perfect for a lazy Sun-date.

In case you haven’t heard, Stuff’d is holding a three-month promo where they charge Impossible meat for the price of their beef options. Not that I would blame you for not knowing. As someone who isn’t big on seasonal promos, I only caught wind of this amazing news when a vegan friend texted me.

You see, Stuff’d has been my go-to place for quick burritos and kebabs on the go. While I absolutely love their grilled chicken, I can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt each time I order it with the Impossible options staring right back at me. Given the urgency of the climate crisis and my desire to do more than just social media activism, I’ve found myself begrudgingly forking out several more dollars for an Impossible burrito or kebab for the past several months.

I’m not going to lie. At a whopping $9.30, the price definitely stings. Especially when I could have easily opted for a $6.80 chicken burrito or $5.30 kebab. But if I want low-carbon, plant-based options to stick around, the least I can do is put my money where my mouth is and support viable options whenever they come about.

Pardon the low quality picture — there aren’t many royalty-free images of the new Stuff’d menu on the internet.

Impossible Meat Tastes Impossibly Good

Of course, I wouldn’t pay just to suffer. Meat is still very much a part of my diet. So yes, I do know what it tastes like, very vividly in fact. And just between us omnivores, Impossible meat does not taste like a compromise at all. According to their website, Impossible’s secret ingredient that allows them to replicate the colour, texture, and taste of meat is a heme protein from soybean roots.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of the term ‘replicate’. I prefer to view plant-based meals as opportunities to expand my palette. Sometimes I just want a hearty lentil soup or stir-fried miso mushrooms instead of having meat in every meal. But if reviews are anything to go by, Impossible meat is as close to the real deal as it gets. Here are some things reviewers have said, just in case you’re pressed for time:

Stuff’d makes it easy to have plant-based meals any time of day

Personally, I found the fatty-tangy combo of mayo-cucumber and barbeque sauce to be the ultimate companion to Impossible burritos, but you can’t really go wrong with sauces at Stuff’d, so take your pick.

3 Months To Make a Plant-Based Statement

So I promptly made a beeline to the nearest Stuff’d outlet when I heard that they’re dropping Impossible kebabs at $2–3 discounts (even though I’d already had dinner). And that’s cause I believe this could potentially impact more than just wraps and mock meats. I’m sure competitors of Stuff’d are watching this promo intently to determine if adding vegan and vegetarian options into their menu will be worth the hassle.

Stuff’d executives will no doubt be keeping tabs, too. Don’t quote me on this, but I suspect that Impossible meat sales have not been too promising thus far. Plant-based options have a reputation of being bland and unsatiating, and those stereotypes aren’t exactly unwarranted either. I recently had vegetarian Pho and instead of getting hearty, textured protein, I was served floppy pieces of tofu with dry rice noodles. Instant regret.

Photo by Deryn Macey @ Unsplash

The Pho wasn’t cheap either. And sadly, unless you’re getting Cai Png, (good) vegetarian/vegan meals often lie within the hipster cafe price range. I’m sure affordable options exist, but I hunted the mall for more than 30 minutes before finally settling on that bowl of sad Pho. When you’re a working millennial, you simply don’t have that kind of time most days.

If this promotion turns out to be a hit, Stuff’d and other fast food outlets will be incentivised to lower the cost of plant-based offerings. On the flip side, if sales don’t pick up even after prices have been slashed, Impossible meat might disappear off menus altogether. And what a tragic thing that would be.

So excuse me while I stuff myself with Impossible kebabs and burritos while they’re still affordable, and here’s hoping that they’ll remain as such for a long time after. Remember, each purchase of (good) vegan/vegetarian food is a vote for a healthier planet AND a vote for more tasty plant-based options.

This promotion is available at all Singapore Stuff’d outlets island-wide from November 2, 2021 to (presumably) February 2, 2022. Stuff’d is also giving away limited edition shopping bags each time you purchase two Impossible items in the same receipt. This post has not been sponsored by Stuff’d in any way, shape, or form. Just really happy to support a sustainable promotion.

